Registration for the next semester starts each semester shortly after midterm grades
are released. Students should prepare a draft schedule and discuss it with a dept
faculty advisor to get their advising APIN.
The registrar’s website provides forms for adding or dropping classes, intent to graduate,
residency forms, and academic warning. On the financial aid website, there are resources
for working on campus, applying for scholarships, loans, and FAFSA.
The Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design course (Meng 110) is structured
to help students transition to life at NMT as well as introduce basic engineering
tools including coding, drafting, and teamwork. The class introduces students to
alumni working in various organizations ranging from National Labs to private industry.
The graduate and undergraduate teaching assistants (TA’s) who support this class have
developed the above resources to help new students succeed.
Academic Advising:
First Semester students are assigned to one of 4 Faculty advisors in the Mechanical
Engineering Department that specialize in new student advising. After the 1st-semester
students are split among all faculty in the Mechanical Engineering Department for
academic advising. Connect with a new student advisor
The advisor guides the student through the duration of the program, aiding in course
selection, finding internships, scholarships, research opportunities, and options
for graduate school. Any issues a student encounters in a course can be aided by the
advisor. The relationship developed between the advisor and the student serves as
another support system for the student’s educational career. Students have the ability
to change their advisor at any time to someone in their subject area using achange advisor form.
NM Tech offers a variety of student support services
Office of Student Life
The primary purpose of theNMT Office of Student Life is to create opportunities for student success, and as part of that commitment, we
serve as student advocates. Our office provides information on a variety of issues
and student services and is a central point of contact for students who need to resolve
issues, need further explanation of New Mexico Tech’s policies and procedures, or
are trying to identify campus resources.
Counseling Center
The Counseling Center'smission is to support the emotional, intellectual, and social development of students
at New Mexico Tech. We help students resolve existing problems, prevent potential
problems, and develope new skills to enrich their lives.
is sensitive to individual needs, backgrounds and experiences of all first-year students
facilitates their connections and points of contact with faculty, other students,
staff, and support services
encourages their active involvement in community life, and
introduces them to the community values of respect, caring, ethical responsibility,
inclusiveness, and intellectual and social engagement
Student Access Services
The mission of Student Access Services is to provide equal opportunities and equal access to education, programs, and activities
for all students with disabilities at New Mexico Tech. Student Access Services works
collaboratively with University Partners to foster a welcoming, diverse and inclusive
Theresa Kappel Disability Case Manager Phone 575-835-6209access@dlokoko.comBrown Hall
Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students Office'sgoal is to treat students with dignity, and provide educational interventions as appropriate
to assist students in accomplishing their aspirations, and successfully persist to
graduation. Whatever the issue, the DOSO is a good place to begin seeking out advice,
information and services.
Social Connections:
Students in the mechanical engineering program have the opportunity to connect with
and support each other through two Discord Channels In addition to student connection,
the channels share information on department events and resources. The Freshman Discord
channel is run by the Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design Instructor, Dr.
O’Malley, with the department-wide student channel run by a student representative.
To get access to either channel emailDr. O’Malley.
Student Clubs
Mech Eng Student Club Activities
The Mechanical Engineering dept hosts a number of national student clubs including
ASME, SAE, and AIAA as well as participates in a variety of other campus organizations.