New Mexico Tech
Purchasing Services
To access more of the Purchasing Services website, go to the "In this Section +" in the upper left hand corner of this page and access the drop down menu.
New Mexico Tech is an agency of the state of New Mexico and is required to follow the New Mexico State Procurement Code, (Chapter 13, NMSA, Public Purchases and Property) as well as New Mexico Tech policies and procedures for all purchasing activities. It is also required to comply with portions of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and 2 CFR 200 when making federal funded purchases.
The objectives of the New Mexico Tech Purchasing Services Office are:
- To support New Mexico Tech operations
- To obtain the best value for each dollar expended
- To ensure fair and equitable treatment of all vendors
- To ensure accountability in the expenditure of all State and Federal funds
- To stimulate maximum competition
Business Hours
Monday through Friday. - 8:00 AM to Noon and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Direct all written correspondence to:
New Mexico TechPurchasing Services Office
801 Leroy Place, Brown Hall, Rm 100
Socorro, NM 87801 purchasing@dlokoko.com